Breuklyn: Mom, can we sleep with that thing on that blows air?
Me: Huh? The thing that.... oh! The humidifier? Why? You aren't really sick anymore.
Breuklyn: Yes, we are. We have energies.
Me: You have energies? Um...
Breuklyn: Yes. Energies. We are sneezing and our eyes are itchy.
Me: Oh! Allergies. I'm fairly certain that you'll survive.
As a young child I used to announce that I had an "itis" to get out of doing things. I wouldn't specify what type of itis i.e. tonsillitis or laryngitis. Only that I had an itis and therefore was clearly too sick to clean my room or set the table or go to school.
He he...I love how the little ones pronounce things...soo cute..and I hope you all are feeling better....if there are real allergies!
This is too funny...I wish my allergies gave me energy!!!
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