Friday, October 5, 2007

Hail to the Victors!!

I love this for ever so many reasons.

1. I love that Breuklyn sings the fight song, regardless of the words that she may or may not know. Well, she doesn't actually know any of the words except for Hail.
2. I love that Maddux says, "I'm tired" and runs away. Classic Maddux. He isn't going to let Breuklyn bully him!
3. I love that Breuklyn carried on valiantly alone. The queen of everything.

GO BLUE!!! :)


shopgirlaudi said...

This was too funny. She is SO cute!!! LOVE it...LOL:)

Anonymous said...

i've watched this like ... five thousand times. and i crack up every single time. i too love so many things about this. maddux cracks me up. so does breuklyn ... slapping around maddux telling him to sing ha.

i also love nanny's violets sitting on the end table =)

and is there a construction site in your living room ... or is paizlee in her high chair banging toys around? ha

Melissa S said...

Oh what a cute voice! Now who are the blue???

BB said...

Tell Breuklyn she gets a standing ovation for her valiant performance.

Lal said...

OMG...SOOO funny! LOVE they way Breuklyn is trying to get Maddux to sing!! I wanted to bust out laughing but it's SO late and everyone is sleeping! LOL Your kids are just TOOOO cute!! And funny! LOL :)

BB said...

I forgot to mention, I am also loving how Breuklyn whacks Maddux to get him to sing. LOL! Way to motivate him kiddo (or is that because he was cheering for State that weekend). Either way, totally justified.

Also, all weekend I had to listen to Chris trash talking our team. Since we were playing Eastern he was all "We are going to kick your hiney." and " we are going to school you guys! *grunt/snort/laugh* get it? we are a teaching college?"

To which I retorted " Mmmmmmkay, honey" and "Woooo, let me hold my breath and wait for that to ever happen."

Heather Landry said...

Ok that is just priceless. I think it's awesome that Maddux ran away. Stand up to her boy!! LOL

They are leaving Brandon's belly alone for now. His hernia is HUGE but not painful. So they are not messing with it. Thank goodness.

The kids don't have time to play with all of the homework. I think that's part of the reason she comes home so cranky. I'd be tired too if I had to work all day and come home to do more work.