Thursday, March 12, 2009

Handmade Crayons + a Giveaway!

Paizlee's birthday is on Sunday. We are having a family dinner with just us this Sunday and will have a bigger family party next weekend when CAROLYN IS HERE. (Sorry, just getting a little excited) Breuklyn and Maddux wanted to get Paizlee a special gift and of course wanted it to be a project. "Can we do a project, mom?" is a common phrase around here. I can't imagine why. :)

Back in October my friend Patrizzia made alphabet crayons and I searched everywhere for pans and was unable to find them. Then in February I was blog-hopping and found this post over at Elle's Studio where she also made these alphabet crayons. She used silicon pans from Sillycone which I quickly ordered and then stalked my mail-lady.

I think that these will make the perfect gift for Paizlee for her birthday along with the added bonus that Breuklyn and Maddux made them especially for her.

One of the reasons that I loved this project was that I got to get rid of the 10 million crayons that we have been accumulating. Do you have as many crayons as we do? When the crayons went on clearance in September, I bought boxes and boxes because I knew that we would need them eventually.

I remember not wanting to use my crayons once they were no longer sharp. I'm a crayon snob. There. I said it. When the crayons lose their nice sharp points, I pull out a new box. Thus, 10 million crayons.
Step 1: Peel the crayons. Save your fingernails (+ your sanity!) and use a utility knife to slice through the paper. Then hand the crayon off to the uber-eager children to peel off. Also, this would be a good time to preheat your oven to 275 degrees.

Step 2: Sort the crayons by color. This is great for kids to do. I tried to explain my ROY G BIV rainbow order, but they just looked at me blankly. Plus, where does the pink go in the ROY G BOV order? With the reds?

Step 3: Break crayons into 4 pieces. I had them break each crayon in half, and then I broke the halves in half again. Nothing makes a 3-year-old boy happier than being told to break something in half.
Step 4: Lightly spray the silicon pans or molds with cooking spray. This makes it a cinch to pop them out later. We also decided to use silicon heart-shaped cupcake liners. You can use whatever you have. Some green shamrocks would be cute!

Step 5: Mix those colors!

We only used the letters that we needed to spell out, "Happy Birthday Paizlee." The kids loved mixing all of the colors together.

Step 6: Bake these for 10 minutes (or until melted) at 275 degrees. Don't leave them in the oven too long or else the colors will all melt together. You want to be able to see the individual colors.

(I would recommend using a cookie sheet just in case there is a tragic wax incident. My oven is already near the end of it's life, so I wasn't going to tempt fate by throwing a bunch of hot wax in there unsupervised.)

Step 7: Once the wax has melted, carefully remove your cookie sheet. Don't jostle the pan because you don't want the colors to mix too much.

Now here's the hard part. Step 8: Let them cool completely before you remove them! I lost three letters because I have the patience of a 2-year-old. Just leave them alone so that they can cool completely. Once they are cool, they will pop right out. They will, I swear.

Do you want to make crayons of your very own? I bet that you do!

Just leave me a comment here and I will choose one person to win this alphabet silicon set from Sillycone! According to their website: You can make anything from Ice, Jell-O, Butter, Chocolate, Sidewalk Chalk, Crayons, Soap, Candles, Rice Crispy Treats and so much more!

Right now I am making orange juice ice cubes for a fun drink at dinner. I love these trays! You have until Monday, March 16th to leave a comment! Good luck! :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Estee! I'm lurking today and at the same time trying to figure out why my brand new blog has been disabled (email/login issues... it wasn't broke but i still just HAD to fix it! haha!). Hopefully, I'll be up soon so that I can keep up with all of your super cool ideas! Totally LOVE this crayon "project" and with my neice's upcoming birthday I think the kiddos and I will be having some kitchen fun this weekend! Hope you're doing well! (((hugs))) Donna

BB said...

I am going to make these and I don't even have kids... yet.(Come back in 3 weeks.) But Chris has herds of midgets at school. Can you say prize box! Hello!

Unknown said...

I love this idea! We have a billion and one crayons as well and my boy would have a blast helping me make the alphabet crayons. Pick me, pick me! :)

Nikki said...

I'd love these, they look like so much fun!

Anonymous said...

I have got to have these for I too "collect" crayons, always picking them up when they are on sale!

Chasity Grace said...

omg i love this project! love your pics too. i would love to do this project with the kids i tutor and my friends children. love it!!! pick me pick me. HAHA. just like a little kid jumping up and down.

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I have wanted to do these with our playgroup--just never took the time to look up the directions...thanks to you now I have them!

I would have never thought to do the alphabet--now I know I have to!!

Shaylyn said...

Those are awesome. I am trying to find all sorts of ways to get the alphabet into my almost 6 year old, almost kindergartener's day. He is way too busy to mess with traditional learning and I am worried! He would love these. Thanks for the awesome give-away. Shaylyn

Amanda Sevall said...

We used to make these when we were kids! So much fun. Guess it didn't hurt to have a Mom that was a Kindergarten teacher :) I hope Paizlee loves them and happy birthday to the cute lil munchkin!

Patrizzia said...

AWESOME!!!! They are tons of fun. These will be going into Miabella's b-day sacks as well.

So can I get in on the giveaway?!?? Since my mold are used for crayons I would love one to make fun jello and ice shapes.

Michelle said...

Estee, where were you back when my girls were littler! You have without a doubt the coolest projects. I have plenty of crayons that need something done with them! If I knew you were looking for crayons, I could of even sent them down! Of course I would never turn down cool goodies either! :) I am sure Paizlee is going to love this, and the other two so excited to give her their gift they made!

Crystal said...

What a nifty idea! These would be perfect for my niece's birthday next month! Thanks for offering goodies!

Kimberly Rae English-Cole said...

That is too fantabulous! I love it... reminds me of tye dye shirts and daisys... I have got a ton of crayons in crazy colors all over my studio...

Lisa Carroll said...

What fun! I need to make some crayons one of these days. And I love those trays.

Vicki said...

Oh wow! What a great project, Estee! My grandson, Brenden, would love making these crayons. We live near the Crayola factory in PA. They don't have anything on your technique or creations!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is just amazing! My youngest loves crayons as much as I do. Please pick me. (Fingers, toes, knees and eyes crossed in hopeful anticipation.)

Rhayne said...

OK, the alphabet trays are way cooler then the Crayola make-your-own-crayon machine. Thanks again for sharing another great idea :o) When are you writing a book full of your treasures?!

Michelle said...

Now there's a good idea! You should write a book! With your amazing sense of humor and way with words and all of your cool projects, it would be a hit!!! :)

Lal said...

Those are just so awesome! And how sweet that the kids wanted to make their sister a birthday gift!! :)

Sara said...

This looks waaaay more fun then with the actual Crayola melter we have! And I love your truth about telling Maddox he can break the crayons in half...I'm sure that made his day!

shopgirlaudi said...

Sooo coool!!! ;) My kids already know their ABC's, but I just wanted to comment anyway:)

We always have lots of crayons to, but I hate holding onto things so I throw them out. In fact, I just threw some out last week.

Maybe next time I'll save some and make my dd some "rainbow" crayons. She LOVES to color:)

Sara and Ryan said...

Estee you are so creative! I LOVE this idea and I am going to have to try it! Austin seems to have a lot of broken crayons so it would be a great way to get rid of a bunch of those too! Thanks for sharing! Sara :-)

Unknown said...

I think I am going to make these this afternoon(pick me) my kids will love them.(pick me) I have to say I am a crayon snob,also.(pick me) I have baskets full of dull crayons.(pick me)
Oh can I just say Pick me Pick me.
Have a great day

Anonymous said...

Your projects are always so adorable and look so fun, even if some of the paper ones are a bit above my creative level. :) The crayons though are definately going to a project in my house. I have two boys and I'm pretty sure they will be thrilled when I hand them a box of old crayons and tell them to break them all. I'm a crayon snob too and I don't care what they say, that sharpener on the back of the box isn't the same. Thank you for sharing all your projects! You are great fun to read and provide wonderful inspiration.

Meher said...


Im a totally new bee at all this business of scrapping and making cards and other creative stuff. Its unbelievable how unlimited all this is.
Im in love with colors, if someone asked me what my favorite color is, i can't really answer it because i love all colors. And the brilliance of color u get from a crayon, can't get from pencils at all.

looking forward to my wonderful giveaway :)

Jennifer said...

This is such a cool idea!! I don't have kids, but I think this might be a potential niece and/or nephew gift in the future! You always do the coolest projects :)

Anonymous said...

AH! That is such a neat and fun project to do! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Estee,
My son and his kids (boy 2 1/2, girl 4) just moved back to town - IN MY HOUSE! It is so good to have them here, and I love your ideas to keep them entertained. It is such a joy to do 'projects' with my grandchildren. I cannot wait to try this one too.

abbie said...

This is so cute! I always love your project ideas!

charlotte said...

My kids are always asking to do projects too!!! this is a super one!!! I can hardly wait to do it with them. THANKS :) You always have the coolest little things to do on your blog.

Kelly Jo said...

OH My! These alphabet trays are the cuttest! I *almost* have as many crayons as you, but I only hav 2 kids. =)
Thanks for the chance.