Saturday, September 22, 2007

Just in case...

Just in case Breuklyn ever decides to run away, thank goodness I now have this life size picture of her to show to the police.

Being in Pre-K means that she gets to do countless drawings of herself, none of which even remotely resemble what the poor child actually looks like. Since she expended all of her Crayola energy in decorating her shirt and orange hands, she had no interest in decorating her head. She did, however, give herself glasses and 4 strands of hair. We were ever so proud of her creation...

... until she got to school and compared her picture against the rest of her class. Apparently, she is enrolled with a class full of future Picasso's. Who knew? Well, I actually know better than that. Their parents are the ones with the artistic flair. The poor kids didn't even have a shot at coloring, because their parents were busy busting out the yellow yarn and the glue gun. There was enough fabric, glitter and yarn there to make a Macy's Day Float.

Now... maybe I am incorrect here, but I don't feel that it is my place to correct Breuklyn's lopsided ears or different colored shoes. I thought that was the point of her doing a portrait of herself. If she was doing a portrait of me, now that would be a different story. I have no interest in being forever remembered as the lady with lime green hair and eyes that are two different sizes. However, this is Breuklyn's project so I said to her and I will continue to say to her, "Rock on."

I guess that times have changed since I was in school. Thankfully, I already completed my life size portrait of me way back in the day when I would have actually fit on butcher block paper. Therefore, I am exempt. Rock on.


Melissa S said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of competitive parents! It only gets more! Well seriously though..I agree with you..but we are in the minority. I see a ton of projects that you know the kids didn't do...I am glad that Breuklyn did her own thing!

shopgirlaudi said...

She did a fab job and she did it herself:)

Jane F. Smith said...

Pay no attention to those overly helpful parents...take it from an ex pre-school teacher....your daughter will be one of the more creative ones out of that class in the long run and she will have the satisfaction of doing it herself!!! you rock mom!!! remember who the others look to as thier leader????!!!

BB said...

4 strands of hair. Love it.
Way to not be the mom with the hot glue gun at the read in a holster. Breuklyn already has your creative DNA so I'd say she's well on her way!

Lal said...

I agree!! I let Elijah do his own projects therefore they come out looking like a KID did them and not their parents! Love Breuklyn's life sized portrait!

Heather Landry said...

Ok seriously? Those parents are cheating their kids out of their creativity. I let Alexis do whatever she wants. I had to send in two word that start with "B". I asked her and she said "Bubba" her brother's nickname, and "Butt". Not the most fabulous words. But her words all the same. LOL Her portrait is beautiful.

Seriously I swear I wish my kids would pull some of the crazy stuff they do with me with my husband. He's never stuck pulling them out of ditches or explaining the ticky tack in their hair to the hairdresser. Ugh. LOL

Brandon's bellybutton. It healed, but now he's developed an umbilical hernia. I could write a novel about this poor Bubba's belly. =0( But at least for now they say he's ok. Thank goodness!

outnumbered said...

I think her picture his a real masterpiece!