Monday, August 27, 2007

The Amazing Paizlee demonstrates her rolling over skills...

Here is video proof that even when you arein the 100th percentile for your weight, you can still defy the laws of physics and roll over.


Anonymous said...

Oh my sweet little girl...she is just adorable! And she rolled right over and was so proud. Where were Breuklyn and Maddux?? I figured they would be there cheering her on!!!

BB said...

Ta da! She did it! She looks pretty psyched about it too.

Heather Landry said...

Yay!!!! She rocks! Brandon can go from tummy to back in no time flat but he doesn't like rolling from back to front. He hates tummy time and refuses to subject himself to being on his stomach voluntarily. Crazy kid.

BB said...

OMG the dot over Tennessee is Gigantic!

Jane F. Smith said...

Awesome Paizlee!!!! Whooohooo!!

Melissa S said...

Oh soo precious! I love the video Estee...Paizlee is soo pleased with herself...and it was soo weird hearing your voice:)