You have met Paizlee. The breaker of bones. The manipulator of parents. She is a force to be reckoned with. One day, she will rule this planet. However, she has a delicate side. I know, you can laugh and shake your head disbelievingly. I get it. I hear you. Maybe it isn't so much a delicate side, but a side that is slightly less
let's jump off the deck on top of the neighbor's cat! Her slightly delicate side gets shoved weekly into ballet tights and scuffed tap shoes.

And when I say scuffed, I mean
scuffed tap shoes. As in, I do believe that these were once black, but have no remaining vinyl to prove it. She thought that the added reinforcement on the bottom of the tap shoes (the tappy part, duh) would help her accomplish her most pressing goal: climb the tree in the backyard. And to her credit, she did make it to the top of the tree. However, the tap shoes did absolutely nothing to help her return to the ground. She took them off and banged them together until I went searching to determine the cause for all of the noise. Construction workers? Deranged woodpecker? No. 4-year-old stuck up a tree with tap shoes.

When it came time for the recital, or the Paizlee Show as she happily called it, she was ready to wear the cowgirl costume and rock it out. This child has never met a spotlight that she didn't like. She flounced and twirled with the best of them. She moved, gasp, gracefully. She blew kisses to the audience and bowed like any typical girly girl. It was shocking. And endearing. And I may have cried just a little.
Ballet is on summer break until August, so all remnants of graceful have long disappeared. Until dance begins again, we will have to deal with this...

Hell.on.wheels. Literally and figuratively. Love this kid.
Awwww!!! She is a doll, Estee!! So glad you posted this! Been missing your stories about the kids! :) Now, if you lived closer, she and Ben could have races with their power wheels!!! He is pedal to the metal with his!!! Brit had a barbie jeep just like that! Oh the memories!
She is so stinkin' cute, I don't think the cat could even be mad at her when she lands on him! Must make it hard to discipline when she puts that grin to good use!
I LOVE reading your blog, it's always entertaining!
As you are beginning your dance recitals, oops I mean Paizlee show... I'm finished with all of mine. Yes, at the beginning of this month, Ellie, my youngest who has been dancing since age 3, had her final recital. And yes, she is my youngest of 3 daughters who all danced.
Oh Estee! Thanks for the smiles. Paizlee is such a doll!!! Those younger kids can sure put a few gray hairs on your head. Mine is 18 now and thinks I should no longer worry about him. Thanks for sharing your stories...love 'em!
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