Thursday, January 15, 2009

I {Heart} New Recipes

Hungry? Me too.
Cheesy-Spinachy Stuffed Shells. Yum. Paizlee ate two of these for dinner tonight. Maddux ate 1/2 bite. He doesn't eat anything that is hot, cold, green, bumpy or doesn't contain sugar. He is super fun to sit next to at dinner. He ate 1/2 bite of stuffed shells and 2 bites of the steamed baby carrots. 4 out of 5 members of my family recommend this meal.

Chicken White Bean Chili. I can honestly say that this is my new favorite recipe. I even ate the leftovers, which is something that I never do. I DO NOT eat leftovers. Ever. But the leftovers are gone. I served this with Cilantro Lime Sour Cream, avocado slices, shredded cheese and tortilla chips. Dee-licious.

And then there was dessert... I got this idea from the Bakerella Blog. One box of brownie mix + one bag of chocolate chip cookie mix + chocolate frosting = holy cow these brownies are amazing. Eat these immediately. Don't blame me when your pants no longer fit. You have been warned.

Do you have any fun new recipes??


Vicki said...

Oh, oh, oh! I thought the shells looked good til I got to the brownies! Sorry, I GGO. I have to run to the grocery store!

Michelle said...

You are just so funny! I will be calling you, if my pants don't fit after those brownies! I too thought the shells looked really yummy! I think Maddux and Ben ought to get together.. they are very much alike in the food dept.

I am cooking meals for a tax accountant, 10 people in the office, for the next 3 months, so they have meals to eat other than frozen dinners. It's money in my pocket. So, scrounging up so yummy, quick recipes to feed 10. I {heart} new recipes, too! I do have all the ingred. to try your veggie beef soup tonight.. after another day of -30 temps, it will be so good!! ~Michelle

Michelle said...

Forgot to ask... where's the recipe for the shells and chili?? ;) Have a super (and much warmer than us!) day!!

Crystal said...

I also make the same yummy brownie desert and my family loves it ( and so do the neighbors!)
i make a pretty good (if i may say so myself) chili casserole. it is going to be featured on the next week, along with my grandma e's yummy pb & choco chip cookies! maybe ya can check it out there or i can email you the recipe to try!

shopgirlaudi said...

That all looks SUPER yummy. My kids...well my daughter is... a supre picky eater. She eats like a hanful of things. I could NEVER get her to eat anything like this:(...but I will;)

Lal said...

My pants don't fit me NOW! WAAHHH!! LOL :) The shells and desert look YUUUUMMMMMY!! I'm hungry now! :)

Anonymous said...

What's the recipe for the chili? That looks so good and I'm trying to find one that "looks" similar. No such luck yet.